
Cassandra Cluster Tutorial: Setting up Ansible for our Cassandra Database Cluster to do DevOps tasks

Cassandra Tutorial: Setting up Ansible for our Cassandra Database Cluster for DevOps/DBA tasks Ansible is an essential DevOps/DBA tool for managing backups and rolling upgrades to the Cassandra cluster in AWS/EC2. An excellent aspect of Ansible is that it uses ssh, so you do not have to install an agent to use Ansible. This article series centers on how DevOps/DBA tasks with the Cassandra Database. However the use of Ansible for DevOps/DBA transcends its use with the Cassandra Database so this article is good information for any DevOps/DBA or Developer that needs to manage groups of instances, boxes, hosts whether they be on-prem bare-metal, dev boxes, or in the Cloud.

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Spark Tutorial: Spark SQL from Java and Python with Cassandra

Analytics with Apache Spark Tutorial Part 2 : Spark SQL Using Spark SQL from Python and Java Combining Cassandra and Spark By Fadi Maalouli and R.H. Spark, a very powerful tool for real-time analytics, is very popular. In the first part of this series on Spark we introduced Spark. We covered Spark’s history, and explained RDDs (which are used to partition data in the Spark cluster). We also covered the Apache Spark Ecosystem.

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Setting up a Cassandra cluster with SSL for client and cluster transports for DevOps

Setting up client and cluster SSL transport for a Cassandra cluster This articles is a Cassandra tutorial on Cassandra setup for SSL and CQL clients, as well as installing Cassandra with SSL configured on a series of Linux servers. Cassandra allows you to secure the client transport (CQL) as well as the cluster transport (storage transport). SSL/TLS have some overhead. This is especially true in the JVM world which is not as performant for handling SSL/TLS unless you are using Netty/OpenSSl integration.

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Setting up a Cassandra cluster with cassandra image and cassandra cloud project with Vagrant for DevOps

The cassandra-image project creates CentOS Cassandra Database images for docker, virtualbox/vagrant and AWS/EC2 using best practices for Cassandra OS setup. It is nice to use vagrant and/or docker for local development. At this time it is hard to develop systemd services using Docker so we use Vagrant. Since we do a lot of that, we like to use Vagrant. Vagrant is important for developers and DevOps not to mention Cassandra DBAs.

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Notes on Cassandra OS setup and optimizations for deploying in EC2/AWS

Notes on Cassandra OS setup and optimizations for deploying in EC2/AWS Disk concerns These are important concepts for developers and DevOps who are responsible for developing Cassandra based applications and services. Cassandra writes to four areas commit logs SSTable an index file a bloom filter The compaction process of SSTable data makes heavy use of the disk. LeveledCompactionStrategy may need 10 to 20% overhead. SizeTieredCompactionStrategy worse case is 50% overhead needed to perform compaction.

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