Kubernetes StatefulSet with ZooKeeper

January 28, 2020


Kubernetes StatefulSet with ZooKeeper as an example


We were having a hard time deploying Kafka to Kubernetes. It worked fine when we were doing development and integration. We started with Minikube for local development.

If you are not interested in the background and want to skip to the meat of the matter go ahead and skip ahead.

We created a MicroSerivce that uses Kafka in Spring Boot. We ran Kafka in minikube with Helm 2. By the way, Minikube is a mini Kubernetes that easily runs on macOS, Linux, and Windows. Minikube is great for local application development and supports a lot of Kubernetes. It is great for local testing and we also used it for integration testing.

Later we set up a pipeline and we wanted to use some of the same end to end tests that we used for local dev in Jenkins so we decided to switch to Kind for a variety of reasons. A chief reason was this was a shared Jenkins environment (so we can’t just install stuff and docker was there already) and the other reason was although we could get minikube to run on a Jenkins AWS worker instance there were too many limitations which KIND did not seem to have. And it could have just been our knowledge of Minikube, but Kind worked so we switched.

Kind is similar to minikube and it is also a tool for running mini Kubernetes clusters using Docker container as nodes. It was created to test Kubernetes but it fits well with our use cases.

One issue we had with Kind was running some of the Helm 2 installs for Kafka. After trying to debug for a good 12 day, we tried Helm 3, and lo and behold, it just worked. We switched. Just like that. Bump and run. The path of least resistance.

By the way, I wrote a getting started with minikube and a Kubernetes cheatsheet, if you are new to minikube and Kubernetes, start there. I also wrote down a lot of tools that I use. The cheat sheet will be updated at some point to include Kind. Also, I would love some collaboration and tips to add to the cheatsheet. I need to give it a second look.

Let’s see, we wanted to deploy to a shared environment. We tested our integration test scripts and Kafka installs on GKE (using Helm 3), local Open Shift (tried minishift but then switch to and now Red Hat CodeReady Containers), Minikube and KIND. Then we ran into an issue with a shared Open Shift container.

The same Helm 3 install that was working everywhere else was failing due to Pod policies which are not changeable due to corporate Infosec policies (so far anyway).

Also at one point, we were told we can’t use Helm 3 (some corporate policy), and we have to define our own docker containers. Now, I am not sure either of those is still true, but we learn and adapt. This has nothing to do with Open Shift. I am not an Open Shift hater. Now there could be a way to get the Helm 3 install to work. But since it does so much, I found tracking down the issues and being compliant was difficult.

The lead Infra/DevOps guy-in-charge told me to write my own StatefulSet, and do my own PV, PVC. I have always just used Helm for anything that needed PV or PVCs. I did. I learned a lot. Debugging and troubleshooting and working around pod policies not to mention differences in MiniKube, GKE, KIND, and Open Shift local vs. Open Shift shared corp gave me a new perspective. Which is why I decided to write some of this stuff down.

My first attempt was to use Helm 3, have it spit out the manifest files and then debug it from there. But since it was doing both ZooKeeper and Kafka, it was a bit like drinking from a fire hose. I prefer the divide and conquer approach especially after the big bang approach does not work.

I was lucky to find this tutorial on managing statefulsets on the Kubernetes site using ZooKeeper. The scripts as written did not work without change in any environment where I ran it except maybe GKE. Kubernetes has great documentation and an awesome community. Trial and error and troubleshooting is a good way to learn. I tried the statefulset manifest files as written locally and in the shared OSE env and it did not work. But at least it was small enough so I can follow.

I base this tutorial from the one on the Kubernetes site on ZooKeeper and StatefulSet but I am going to deploy to MiniKube, local Open Shift, and KIND. (So far, I have written about MiniKube and OpenShift already and got it to work).

I have a similar version of this Kubernetes ZooKeeper deploy working on a multi-node shared, corporate locked-down environment. I had to do a lot of extra steps that don’t make a lot of sense to me yet. This is a new version based on the example. I will simulate some of the issues that I encountered as I think there is a lot to learn while I went through this exercise.

ZooKeeper is a nice tool to start StatefulSets with because it is small and lightweight, yet exhibits a lot of the same needs as many disturbed, stateful, clustered applications (Kafka, Hadoop, Cassandra, Consul, MongoDB, etc.).

BTW, This is not my first rodeo with ZooKeeper or Kafka or even deploying stateful clustered services (cassandra) or managing them or setting up KPIs, but this is the first time I wrote about doing it with Kubernetes. I have also written leadership election libs and have done clustering with tools like ZooKeeper, namely, etcd and Consul.

Where to find the code

The code for this tutorial is here: * Mini-Kube - branch that got the zookeeper example running in minikube and RedHat OSE installed on my local laptop.

Running ZooKeeper, A Distributed System Coordinator

This tutorial shows how to use StatefulSets in local dev environments as well as real clusters with many nodes and uses Apache Zookeeper. This tutorial will demonstrate Kubernetes StatefulSets as well as PodDisruptionBudgets, and PodAntiAffinity.

It should augment Running ZooKeeper, A Distributed System Coordinator but adds more details in debugging and more details regarding StatefulSets, Volumes, and PodAntiAffinity.

This will be a standalone tutorial. You don’t have to read the other one but I recommend it. If you are using MiniKube or MiniShift or Kind to learn Kubernetes, then this tutorial should work unlike the other.


After this tutorial, expect to know about the following.

  • How to deploy a ZooKeeper ensemble using StatefulSet
  • How to deploy ZooKeeper servers on multiple nodes for availability
  • How to use PodDisruptionBudgets ensuring availability
  • How to use PodAntiAffinity to deploy to a local environment
  • How to use PodAntiAffinity to deploy to a production or integration environment
  • How to create a own Docker container that uses ZooKeeper
  • How to create a liveness probes and ready probes
  • How to test ZooKeeper install really worked in Kubernetes
  • How to debug common issues

Later follow on tutorials might show:

  • How to gather metrics with Prometheus
  • How to install Kafka on top of ZooKeeper
  • How to install Istio with ZooKeeper to get dashboards
  • How to install Istio with ZooKeeper to get mTLS
  • How to write a Spring Boot app that uses Kafka, and Istio
  • How to write operators
  • How to deploy to OSE
  • How to write deploy scripts with Kustomize to target local vs. remote deployments
  • How to write deploy scripts with Helm 3 to target local vs. remote deployments

I have written these three at some level already: 1. Tutorial 1: MiniKube 1. Tutorial 2: Open Shift 1. Tutorial 3: Using Kustomize

Tutorial 4 is not written yet, but already decided it will be on using config maps. Tutorial 5 will be running Kafka on top of ZooKeeper.

This tutorial should be fun and can be done from a developer’s laptop.

Before you begin

Before starting this tutorial, ensure familiarity with the following Kubernetes concepts.

  • Pods
  • Cluster DNS
  • Headless Services
  • PersistentVolumes
  • PersistentVolume Provisioning
  • StatefulSets
  • PodDisruptionBudgets
  • PodAntiAffinity
  • kubectl CLI

While the other tutorial required a cluster with at least four nodes (with 2 CPUs and 4 GiB of memory), this one will work with local Kubernetes dev environments. A later tutorial will show how to use Kustomize to target local dev and a real cluster. The default set up for minikube and Red Hat CodeReady Containers either dynamically provision PersistentVolumes or comes with enough out of the box to work.

ZooKeeper Basics

ZooKeeper is a distributed config system that uses a consensus algorithm. ZooKeeper is similar to Consul or etcd if you are familiar with them. It gets used by Kafka and Hadoop and quite a few others. Personally, I prefer Consul and etcd. But since a lot of projects use it, it is very common.

ZooKeeper allows CRUD operations on config and watch for updates to the config. It uses a consensus algorithm that guarantees that all servers have the same view of the config more or less. The config can be the state of a cluster (which nodes are up or down who is the leader). Think of it like a consistent view of config data ordered in a file system like hierarchy. The major difference between a regular file system to store config is that a ZooKeeper cluster forms an ensemble so that all of the data is in-sync using a consensus algorithm. These concepts are similar to Consul, etcd or even Spark or Cassandra or MongoDB.

While Consul and etcd use RAFT as a consensus algorithm, ZooKeeper ensures uses the Zab consensus protocol to replicate data in a consistent state across all members of the ensemble. Both Zab) and RAFT are faster, lighter than Paxos.

ZooKeeper uses Zab protocol to elect a leader. The ZooKeeper ensemble can’t write data unless there is a leader. This keeps the data very consistent. The ZooKeeper ensemble replicates all writes to a quorum defined by Zab protocol before the data becomes visible to clients. As stated if one is familiar with quorums from Cassandra, MongoDB, etcd or Consul, it is really more of the same ideas behind quorums. A quorum is a majority of ZooKeeper nodes in the ensemble and the leader. “For instance, if the ensemble has three servers, a component that contains the leader and one other server constitute a quorum. If the ensemble can not achieve a quorum, the ensemble cannot write data.” –Zookeeper Basics

ZooKeeper servers store config in memory. The config memory is periodically written to disk. Also, every change to a ZooKeeper instance gets written to a Write Ahead Log (WAL) which is on disk.
ZooKeeper nodes that crash or are updated, recover by reading the last snapshot and then replaying the WAL. After a snapshot, the WALs are deleted. This prevents the disk from filling up. –Zookeeper Basics

Set up Kubernetes / Minikube

This tutorial does not assume Kubernetes is set up at all. If you are using a OSX machine use this tutorial to set up minikube. If you are not using OSX then first install minikube and then go through that tutorial and this Kubernetes cheatsheet.

Once you feel comfortable with minikube, delete the cluster and create it again with this command.


minikube start --kubernetes-version v1.16.0 \
              --vm-driver=hyperkit \
              --cpus=4 \
              --disk-size='100000mb' \

We choose Kubernetes version 1.16.0, using hyperkit with 4 CPUs, 10GB of disk space and 6 GB of memory for the whole cluster.

You should add some extra memory too and a bit extra disk space. This should all run on a modern laptop with at least 16GB of ram.

Creating a ZooKeeper Ensemble

Just like the other example, this one has a manifest that contains a Headless Service, a Service, a PodDisruptionBudget, and a StatefulSet. –Creating a ZooKeeper Ensemble

zookeeper.yaml Kubernetes Objects: Headless Service, a Service, a PodDisruptionBudget, and a StatefulSet

apiVersion: v1
kind: Service
  name: zookeeper-headless
    app: zookeeper
  - port: 2888
    name: server
  - port: 3888
    name: leader-election
  clusterIP: None
    app: zookeeper
apiVersion: v1
kind: Service
  name: zookeeper-service
    app: zookeeper
  - port: 2181
    name: client
    app: zookeeper
apiVersion: policy/v1beta1
kind: PodDisruptionBudget
  name: zookeeper-pdb
      app: zookeeper
  maxUnavailable: 1
apiVersion: apps/v1
kind: StatefulSet
  name: zookeeper
      app: zookeeper
  serviceName: zookeeper-headless
  replicas: 3
    type: RollingUpdate
  podManagementPolicy: OrderedReady
        app: zookeeper
            - labelSelector:
                  - key: "app"
                    operator: In
                    - zookeeper
              topologyKey: "kubernetes.io/hostname"
      - name: kubernetes-zookeeper
        imagePullPolicy: Always
        image: "cloudurable/kube-zookeeper:0.0.1"
            memory: "1Gi"
            cpu: "0.5"
        - containerPort: 2181
          name: client
        - containerPort: 2888
          name: server
        - containerPort: 3888
          name: leader-election
        - sh
        - -c
        - "start.sh \
          --servers=3 \
          --data_dir=/var/lib/zookeeper/data \
          --data_log_dir=/var/lib/zookeeper/data/log \
          --conf_dir=/opt/zookeeper/conf \
          --client_port=2181 \
          --election_port=3888 \
          --server_port=2888 \
          --tick_time=2000 \
          --init_limit=10 \
          --sync_limit=5 \
          --heap=512M \
          --max_client_cnxns=60 \
          --snap_retain_count=3 \
          --purge_interval=12 \
          --max_session_timeout=40000 \
          --min_session_timeout=4000 \
            - sh
            - -c
            - "ready_live.sh 2181"
          initialDelaySeconds: 10
          timeoutSeconds: 5
            - sh
            - -c
            - "ready_live.sh 2181"
          initialDelaySeconds: 10
          timeoutSeconds: 5
        - name: datadir
          mountPath: /var/lib/zookeeper
        runAsUser: 1000
        fsGroup: 1000
  - metadata:
      name: datadir
      accessModes: [ "ReadWriteOnce" ]
          storage: 10Gi

The above is almost the exact same as the one in the other tutorial except I changed the name of the scripts, the docker image and made the names longer so they would be easier to read. In other words, it won’t work on minikube or local Open Shift (minishift or Red Hat CodeReady Containers), but how it doesn’t work is a teachable moment. I learn the most when things break.

Create the statefulset no edits

From the command line, use kubectl apply to create the StatefulSet, services, etc.

Create Headless Service, a Service, a PodDisruptionBudget, and a StatefulSet

kubectl apply -f zookeeper.yaml

service/zookeeper-headless created
service/zookeeper-service created
poddisruptionbudget.policy/zookeeper-pdb created
statefulset.apps/zookeeper created

Next, let’s check to see if the pods for the ZooKeeper StatefulSet were created.

Check status of pods in statefulset

kubectl get pods

### Output
zookeeper-0   1/1     Running   0          63s
zookeeper-1   0/1     Pending   0          47s

Wow. That is taking a long time. Well, go check to see if you got any texts on your phone and come back, then check again.

Check status of pods in statefulset again

kubectl get pods

### Output
zookeeper-0   1/1     Running   0          70s
zookeeper-1   0/1     Pending   0          54s

Wow. That is taking a long time. Well, go check to see if you got any emails and come back, then check again.

Check status of pods in statefulset for the third time.

% kubectl get pods

zookeeper-0   1/1     Running   0          5m24s
zookeeper-1   0/1     Pending   0          5m8s
(โŽˆ |minikube:default)richardhightower@Richards-MacBook-Pro kube-zookeeper-statefulsets %

It has been five minutes and the 2nd ZooKeeper node is just not getting created. Let’s see why. We need a total of three ZooKeeper nodes to create an ensemble.

Debug why the statefulset did not work

We can use the kubectl describe command to see the events for the zookeeper-1 pod.

kubectl describe pod zookeeper-1

Name:           zookeeper-1
Namespace:      default
Priority:       0
Node:           <none>
Labels:         app=zookeeper
  Type     Reason            Age        From               Message
  ----     ------            ----       ----               -------
  Warning  FailedScheduling  <unknown>  default-scheduler  pod has unbound immediate PersistentVolumeClaims
  Warning  FailedScheduling  <unknown>  default-scheduler  pod has unbound immediate PersistentVolumeClaims
  Warning  FailedScheduling  <unknown>  default-scheduler  0/1 nodes are available: 1 node(s) didn't match pod affinity/anti-affinity, 1 node(s) didn't satisfy existing pods anti-affinity rules.                

Ok, we can see that we did not actually schedule this pod to run on any node because we only have one node. The message 0/1 nodes are available: 1 node(s) didn't match pod affinity/anti-affinity, 1 node(s) didn't satisfy existing pods anti-affinity rules. Let’s take a look at the affinity rule from our yaml file.

zookeeper.yaml - affinity rules requiredDuringSchedulingIgnoredDuringExecution

apiVersion: apps/v1
kind: StatefulSet
  name: zookeeper
        app: zookeeper
            - labelSelector:
                  - key: "app"
                    operator: In
                    - zookeeper
              topologyKey: "kubernetes.io/hostname"

The key here is that we set a rule via requiredDuringSchedulingIgnoredDuringExecution which blocks zookeeper nodes from being deployed on the same Kubernetes worker node/host (topologyKey: "kubernetes.io/hostname").

As I stated earlier, in later tutorials we would like to use an overlay with Kustomize to override such config for local dev vs. an industrial integration or prod cluster. But as a workaround, let’s turn the affinity/podAntiAffinity rule into more of a suggestion with preferredDuringSchedulingIgnoredDuringExecution. While you will likely want requiredDuringSchedulingIgnoredDuringExecution for production, you may get away with preferredDuringSchedulingIgnoredDuringExecution for development. What these statements do is really spelled out well in their name, but if you want to dive deeper, I suggest Assigning Pods to Nodes.

zookeeper.yaml - affinity rules preferredDuringSchedulingIgnoredDuringExecution

apiVersion: apps/v1
kind: StatefulSet
  name: zookeeper
      app: zookeeper
  serviceName: zookeeper-headless
        app: zookeeper
            - weight: 100
                    - key: "app"
                      operator: In
                      - zookeeper
                topologyKey: "kubernetes.io/hostname"

Ok. You will need to change to preferredDuringSchedulingIgnoredDuringExecution and remove requiredDuringSchedulingIgnoredDuringExecution (edit zookeeper.yaml). Then you need to delete the Kubernetes objects from the cluster using the YAML file for the statefulset and then recreate Kubernetes objects for the statefulset.

From the command line, delete the statefulset objects.

Delete statefulset objects using zookeeper.yaml.

kubectl delete -f zookeeper.yaml

service "zookeeper-headless" deleted
service "zookeeper-service" deleted
poddisruptionbudget.policy "zookeeper-pdb" deleted
statefulset.apps "zookeeper" deleted

Just to get a clean slate, go ahead and delete the persistent volume claims too. This is not required at all.

Delete persistent volume claims

kubectl delete pvc datadir-zookeeper-0
kubectl delete pvc datadir-zookeeper-1

### Output
persistentvolumeclaim "datadir-zookeeper-0" deleted
persistentvolumeclaim "datadir-zookeeper-1" deleted

Now you have a pristine Kubernetes local dev cluster, let’s create the statefulsets objects again.

Create StatefulSet for ZooKeeper again with preferredDuringSchedulingIgnoredDuringExecution

kubectl apply -f zookeeper.yaml   

### Output    
service/zookeeper-headless created
service/zookeeper-service created
poddisruptionbudget.policy/zookeeper-pdb created
statefulset.apps/zookeeper created

As before, let’s check the status of ZooKeeper pod creations. This time you can use the -w flag to watch the pod creation status change as it happens.

Use kubectl get pods to see ZooKeeper pod creations status

% kubectl get pods -w     

### OUTPUT        
NAME          READY   STATUS              RESTARTS   AGE
zookeeper-0   0/1     ContainerCreating   0          10s
zookeeper-0   0/1     Running             0          39s
zookeeper-0   1/1     Running             0          54s
zookeeper-1   0/1     Pending             0          1s
zookeeper-1   0/1     Pending             0          1s
zookeeper-1   0/1     Pending             0          2s
zookeeper-1   0/1     ContainerCreating   0          2s
zookeeper-1   0/1     Running             0          5s
zookeeper-1   1/1     Running             0          17s
zookeeper-2   0/1     Pending             0          0s
zookeeper-2   0/1     Pending             0          0s
zookeeper-1   0/1     Running             0          67s
zookeeper-1   1/1     Running             0          87s


kubectl get pods   

zookeeper-0   1/1     Running   0          4m41s
zookeeper-1   1/1     Running   0          3m47s
zookeeper-2   0/1     Pending   0          3m30s

It got stuck again. I wonder why. Well it looks like zookeeper-1 was created so our preferredDuringSchedulingIgnoredDuringExecution worked well. But, zookeeper-2, never runs. Let’s use kubectl describe to see why

Checking status of zookeeper-2 node with kubectl describe

kubectl describe pod zookeeper-2

Node-Selectors:  <none>
Tolerations:     node.kubernetes.io/not-ready:NoExecute for 300s
                 node.kubernetes.io/unreachable:NoExecute for 300s
  Type     Reason            Age        From               Message
  ----     ------            ----       ----               -------
  Warning  FailedScheduling  <unknown>  default-scheduler  0/1 nodes are available: 1 Insufficient memory.
  Warning  FailedScheduling  <unknown>  default-scheduler  0/1 nodes are available: 1 Insufficient memory.

You can see that there was Insufficient memory and thus zookeeper-2 FailedScheduling.

Clearly you can see that kubectl describe is a powerful tool to see errors.

You can even use kubectl describe with the statefulset object itself. This means that you will have to recreate minikube with more memory.

Checking status of zookeeper statefulsets with kubectl describe and get

kubectl describe statefulsets zookeeper

Name:               zookeeper
Namespace:          default
CreationTimestamp:  Tue, 11 Feb 2020 12:50:52 -0800
Selector:           app=zookeeper
Replicas:           3 desired | 3 total
Pods Status:        2 Running / 1 Waiting / 0 Succeeded / 0 Failed
  Type    Reason            Age   From                    Message
  ----    ------            ----  ----                    -------
  Normal  SuccessfulCreate  12m   statefulset-controller  create Claim datadir-zookeeper-0 Pod zookeeper-0 in StatefulSet zookeeper success
  Normal  SuccessfulCreate  12m   statefulset-controller  create Pod zookeeper-0 in StatefulSet zookeeper successful
  Normal  SuccessfulCreate  11m   statefulset-controller  create Claim datadir-zookeeper-1 Pod zookeeper-1 in StatefulSet zookeeper success
  Normal  SuccessfulCreate  11m   statefulset-controller  create Pod zookeeper-1 in StatefulSet zookeeper successful
  Normal  SuccessfulCreate  10m   statefulset-controller  create Claim datadir-zookeeper-2 Pod zookeeper-2 in StatefulSet zookeeper success
  Normal  SuccessfulCreate  10m   statefulset-controller  create Pod zookeeper-2 in StatefulSet zookeeper successful


kubectl get  statefulsets zookeeper

zookeeper   2/3     17m

You can see that it created all of the pods as it suppose to but it is forever waiting on the last pod by looking at Pods Status: 2 Running / 1 Waiting / 0 Succeeded / 0 Failed. Also doing a kubectl get statefulsets zookeeper shows that only 2 of the 3 pods are ready as well (zookeeper 2/3 17m).

Since the statefulset wouldn’t fit into memory on your local dev environment, let’s recreate minikube with more memory. You will delete minikube and then create it again.

minikube delete

minikube start  --kubernetes-version v1.16.0 \
                --vm-driver=hyperkit \
                --cpus=4 \
                --disk-size='100000mb' \

๐Ÿ”ฅ  Deleting "minikube" in hyperkit ...
๐Ÿ’”  The "minikube" cluster has been deleted.
๐Ÿ˜„  minikube v1.4.0 on Darwin 10.15.1
๐Ÿ”ฅ  Creating hyperkit VM (CPUs=4, Memory=7500MB, Disk=100000MB) ...
๐Ÿณ  Preparing Kubernetes v1.16.0 on Docker 18.09.9 ...
๐Ÿšœ  Pulling images ...
๐Ÿš€  Launching Kubernetes ...
โŒ›  Waiting for: apiserver proxy etcd scheduler controller dns
๐Ÿ„  Done! kubectl is now configured to use "minikube"                

It fit two ZooKeeper nodes/container/pods into 6GB so figured that Kube control plane took up some space and you just need another 1.5GB for our 3rd Zookeeper node. It was a swag. Less memory for minikube means more memory for your other development tools (IDE, etc.).

By the way, this eats up a lot of memory for just a local dev environment so later in another tutorial, we will run ZooKeeper in a single node mode. I have done this before either here at ZooKeeper cloud or here at Kafka cloud. This will allow us to create a single pod cluster for local dev which will save a lot of memory on our dev laptop.

Now let’s create the ZooKeeper statefulset and check its status.

Create ZooKeeper statefulset and check status with kubectl get pods -w

kubectl apply -f zookeeper.yaml   

service/zookeeper-headless created
service/zookeeper-service created
poddisruptionbudget.policy/zookeeper-pdb created
statefulset.apps/zookeeper created

kubectl get pods -w     

NAME          READY   STATUS              RESTARTS   AGE
zookeeper-0   0/1     ContainerCreating   0          13s
zookeeper-0   0/1     Running             0          46s
zookeeper-0   1/1     Running             0          62s
zookeeper-1   0/1     Pending             0          0s
zookeeper-1   0/1     Pending             0          0s
zookeeper-1   0/1     Pending             0          1s
zookeeper-1   0/1     ContainerCreating   0          1s
zookeeper-1   0/1     Running             0          4s
zookeeper-1   1/1     Running             0          20s
zookeeper-2   0/1     Pending             0          0s
zookeeper-2   0/1     Pending             0          0s
zookeeper-2   0/1     Pending             0          1s
zookeeper-2   0/1     ContainerCreating   0          1s
zookeeper-2   0/1     Running             0          5s
zookeeper-2   1/1     Running             0          14s

Now let’s check the status of our ZooKeeper statefulset and the pods again.

Check status of ZooKeeper statefulset and its pods

kubectl get pods                  

zookeeper-0   1/1     Running   1          25m
zookeeper-1   1/1     Running   0          24m
zookeeper-2   1/1     Running   0          24m

kubectl get statefulsets

zookeeper   3/3     26m

All three are up and you can see that I got a phone call between creation and status check.

Now let’s look around a bit.

See the Persistent Volumes

kubectl get pv

pvc-20e452bf-fe67   10Gi       RWO            Delete           Bound    default/datadir-zookeeper-1   standard                26m
pvc-4e59068b-8170   10Gi       RWO            Delete           Bound    default/datadir-zookeeper-0   standard                27m
pvc-e8a57062-64b9   10Gi       RWO            Delete           Bound    default/datadir-zookeeper-2   standard                26m

See the Persistent Volumes Claims

kubectl get pvc

datadir-zookeeper-0   Bound    pvc-4e59068b-8170   10Gi       RWO            standard       28m
datadir-zookeeper-1   Bound    pvc-20e452bf-fe67   10Gi       RWO            standard       27m
datadir-zookeeper-2   Bound    pvc-e8a57062-64b9   10Gi       RWO            standard       26m
(โŽˆ |minikube:default)richardhightower@Richards-MacBook-Pro kube-zookeeper-statefulsets

You can see that each instance claims a volume and you can also see that Minikube creates the volumes on the fly. It will be interesting to look at the default behavior of OpenShift later in the next article.

How can we trust that this all works? You can look at logs for errors. You can connect to the Kubernetes console and see if we see get see errors. I mean so far it looks like it is working! Yeah!

Let’s connect to an instance and see if you can run some commands. You will use network cat (nc) to send ZooKeeper Commands also known as “The Four Letter Words” to ZooKeeper port 2181 which was configured for the zookeeper-service’s client port service (see ZooKeeper admin guide for more details on ZooKeeper Commands).

The command kubectl exec -it zookeeper-0 will run a command on a pod. The -it options allow us to have an interactive terminal so you will run bash and poke around with some ZooKeeper commands.

Connecting to ZooKeeper instance to and see if it is working (if you need to debug later)

kubectl  exec -it zookeeper-0 bash

## Check to see if the node is ok send ruok to port 2181 with network cat.
$ echo "Are you ok? $(echo ruok | nc 2181)"

## Use the srvr to see if this node is the leader.
$ echo srvr | nc localhost 2181 | grep Mode
Mode: follower

$ exit

## Let's try to find the leader of the ZooKeeper ensemble

kubectl  exec -it zookeeper-1 bash
$ echo srvr | nc localhost 2181 | grep Mode
Mode: leader

$ exit

kubectl  exec -it zookeeper-2 bash
$ echo srvr | nc localhost 2181 | grep Mode
Mode: follower

Note: To run a zookeeper in standalone set StatefulSet replicas to 1 and the parameter --servers to 1. When you do this the mode will be Mode: standalone. This is useful for local development to save space. This will really help if you are trying to run some tests on your local laptop. Also, try adjusting the memory lower and allocate less CPU.

zookeeper.yaml - Running ZooKeeper in standalone mode

apiVersion: apps/v1
kind: StatefulSet
  name: zookeeper
  replicas: 1
      - name: kubernetes-zookeeper
            memory: "500Mi"
            cpu: "0.25"
        - sh
        - -c
        - "start.sh \

Please note that zookeeper-1 is the ZooKeeper ensemble leader.

The ZooKeeper command dump lists the outstanding sessions and ephemeral nodes but you have run this from the leader. This only works on the leader. Your master is the one that returned Mode: leader from echo srvr | nc localhost 2181 | grep Mode.

Run the dump command on the master and others

kubectl  exec -it zookeeper-1 bash

## Show the dump command
$ echo dump | nc localhost 2181
SessionTracker dump:
Session Sets (0):
ephemeral nodes dump:
Sessions with Ephemerals (0):

## Get stats
$ echo stat | nc localhost 2181
Zookeeper version: 3.4.14-4c25d480e66aadd371de8bd2fd8da255ac140bcf, built on 03/06/2019 16:18 GMT

Latency min/avg/max: 0/0/0
Received: 734
Sent: 733
Connections: 1
Outstanding: 0
Zxid: 0x100000000
Mode: leader
Node count: 4
Proposal sizes last/min/max: -1/-1/-1

## Notice the node count is 4

## Get the environment for this ZooKeeper node
$ echo envi | nc localhost 2181
zookeeper.version=3.4.14-4c25d480e66aadd371de8bd2fd8da255ac140bcf, built on 03/06/2019 16:18 GMT

$ echo conf | nc localhost 2181

// Monitor the cluster
$ echo mntr | nc localhost 2181
zk_version	3.4.14-4c25d480e66aadd371de8bd2fd8da255ac140bcf, built on 03/06/2019 16:18 GMT
zk_avg_latency	0
zk_max_latency	0
zk_min_latency	0
zk_packets_received	827
zk_packets_sent	826
zk_num_alive_connections	1
zk_outstanding_requests	0
zk_server_state	leader
zk_znode_count	4
zk_watch_count	0
zk_ephemerals_count	0
zk_approximate_data_size	27
zk_open_file_descriptor_count	27
zk_max_file_descriptor_count	1048576
zk_fsync_threshold_exceed_count	0
zk_followers	2                    ## <-------- Two followers for the leader.  
zk_synced_followers	2              ## <-------- Two followers are in sync.
zk_pending_syncs	0
zk_last_proposal_size	-1
zk_max_proposal_size	-1
zk_min_proposal_size	-1

You could go through the admin docs for ZooKeeper to get details about each command, but you get the gist. There is a ZooKeeper ensemble and all three nodes are present. Some commands work differently depending of if they are run against a leader or a follower. All of the commands above are run by the leader.

Included in the image is a bash script called metrics.sh which will run echo mntr | nc localhost 2181.

Demonstrating that the commands run different per ZooKeeper Node

## Run against zookeeper-0
kubectl  exec -it zookeeper-0 metrics.sh 2181

zk_version	3.4.14-4c25d480e66aadd371de8bd2fd8da255ac140bcf, built on 03/06/2019 16:18 GMT
zk_avg_latency	0
zk_max_latency	0
zk_min_latency	0
zk_packets_received	656
zk_packets_sent	655
zk_num_alive_connections	1
zk_outstanding_requests	0
zk_server_state	follower
zk_znode_count	4
zk_watch_count	0
zk_ephemerals_count	0
zk_approximate_data_size	27
zk_open_file_descriptor_count	25
zk_max_file_descriptor_count	1048576
zk_fsync_threshold_exceed_count	0

## Run against zookeeper-1
kubectl  exec -it zookeeper-1 metrics.sh 2181

zk_version	3.4.14-4c25d480e66aadd371de8bd2fd8da255ac140bcf, built on 03/06/2019 16:18 GMT
zk_avg_latency	0
zk_max_latency	0
zk_min_latency	0
zk_packets_received	859
zk_packets_sent	858
zk_num_alive_connections	1
zk_outstanding_requests	0
zk_server_state	leader
zk_znode_count	4
zk_watch_count	0
zk_ephemerals_count	0
zk_approximate_data_size	27
zk_open_file_descriptor_count	27
zk_max_file_descriptor_count	1048576
zk_fsync_threshold_exceed_count	0
zk_followers	2
zk_synced_followers	2
zk_pending_syncs	0
zk_last_proposal_size	-1
zk_max_proposal_size	-1
zk_min_proposal_size	-1

## Run against zookeeper-2
kubectl  exec -it zookeeper-2 metrics.sh 2181

zk_version	3.4.14-4c25d480e66aadd371de8bd2fd8da255ac140bcf, built on 03/06/2019 16:18 GMT
zk_avg_latency	0
zk_max_latency	0
zk_min_latency	0
zk_packets_received	850
zk_packets_sent	849
zk_num_alive_connections	1
zk_outstanding_requests	0
zk_server_state	follower
zk_znode_count	4
zk_watch_count	0
zk_ephemerals_count	0
zk_approximate_data_size	27
zk_open_file_descriptor_count	25
zk_max_file_descriptor_count	1048576
zk_fsync_threshold_exceed_count	0

Notice that zookeeper-1 pod has two more attributes in its metrics namely zk_followers and zk_synced_followers. Only leaders have zk_followers and zk_synced_followers metrics.

Now let’s check the log and see if everything is working.

Looking at the ZooKeeper logs with kubectl logs

kubectl logs zookeeper-1 | more

Annotated logs from kubectl logs zookeeper-1

### ANNOTATION JMX is enabled
ZooKeeper JMX enabled by default
Using config: /usr/bin/../etc/zookeeper/zoo.cfg
2020-02-11 21:25:24,278 [myid:] - INFO  [main:QuorumPeerConfig@136] - Reading configuration from: /usr/bin/../etc/zookeeper/zoo.cfg
2020-02-11 21:25:24,285 [myid:] - INFO  [main:QuorumPeer$QuorumServer@185] - Resolved hostname: zookeeper-1.zookeeper-headless.default.svc.cluster.local to address: zookeeper-1.zookeeper-headless.default.svc.cluster.local/
2020-02-11 21:25:24,286 [myid:] - INFO  [main:QuorumPeer$QuorumServer@185] - Resolved hostname: zookeeper-0.zookeeper-headless.default.svc.cluster.local to address: zookeeper-0.zookeeper-headless.default.svc.cluster.local/
2020-02-11 21:25:24,288 [myid:] - WARN  [main:QuorumPeer$QuorumServer@191] - Failed to resolve address: zookeeper-2.zookeeper-headless.default.svc.cluster.local

### ANNOTATION When zookeeper-1 started zookeeper-2 had not started yet. because the stateful set is set to start in Ordered mode
### ANNOTATION Since the yaml file uses  podManagementPolicy: OrderedReady
### ANNOTATION zookeeper-0 will start and then zookeeper-1 will start and then zookeeper-1
java.net.UnknownHostException: zookeeper-2.zookeeper-headless.default.svc.cluster.local: Name or service not known
        at java.base/java.net.Inet4AddressImpl.lookupAllHostAddr(Native Method)
        at java.base/java.net.InetAddress$PlatformNameService.lookupAllHostAddr(InetAddress.java:929)


### ANNOTATION The leadership election process is starting but the 3rd node (zookeeper-2) is not up yet (as expected)
2020-02-11 21:25:24,299 [myid:2] - INFO  [main:QuorumPeerMain@130] - Starting quorum peer
2020-02-11 21:25:24,303 [myid:2] - INFO  [main:ServerCnxnFactory@117] - Using org.apache.zookeeper.server.NIOServerCnxnFactory as server connection factory
2020-02-11 21:25:24,322 [myid:2] - INFO  [main:QuorumPeer@669] - currentEpoch not found! Creating with a reasonable default of 0. This should only happen when you are upgrading your installation
2020-02-11 21:25:24,325 [myid:2] - INFO  [main:QuorumPeer@684] - acceptedEpoch not found! Creating with a reasonable default of 0. This should only happen when you are upgrading your installation
2020-02-11 21:25:24,329 [myid:2] - INFO  [ListenerThread:QuorumCnxManager$Listener@736] - My election bind port: zookeeper-1.zookeeper-headless.default.svc.cluster.local/
2020-02-11 21:25:24,347 [myid:2] - INFO  [QuorumPeer[myid=2]/] - LOOKING
2020-02-11 21:25:24,348 [myid:2] - INFO  [QuorumPeer[myid=2]/] - New election. My id =  2, proposed zxid=0x0
2020-02-11 21:25:24,353 [myid:2] - WARN  [WorkerSender[myid=2]:QuorumCnxManager@584] - Cannot open channel to 3 at election address      
zookeeper-2.zookeeper-headless.default.svc.cluster.local:3888 ### ANNOTATION expected
java.net.UnknownHostException: zookeeper-2.zookeeper-headless.default.svc.cluster.local
        at java.base/java.net.AbstractPlainSocketImpl.connect(AbstractPlainSocketImpl.java:220)
        at java.base/java.net.SocksSocketImpl.connect(SocksSocketImpl.java:403)
        at java.base/java.net.Socket.connect(Socket.java:609)
        at org.apache.zookeeper.server.quorum.QuorumCnxManager.connectOne(QuorumCnxManager.java:558)
        at org.apache.zookeeper.server.quorum.QuorumCnxManager.toSend(QuorumCnxManager.java:534)
        at org.apache.zookeeper.server.quorum.FastLeaderElection$Messenger$WorkerSender.process(FastLeaderElection.java:454)
        at org.apache.zookeeper.server.quorum.FastLeaderElection$Messenger$WorkerSender.run(FastLeaderElection.java:435)
        at java.base/java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:834)

### ANNOTATION More leadership election ZAB dance
2020-02-11 21:25:24,358 [myid:2] - INFO  [WorkerReceiver[myid=2]:FastLeaderElection@595] - Notification: 1 (message format version), 2 (n.leader), 0x0 (n.zxid), 0x1 (n.round), LOOKING (n.state), 2 (n.sid), 0x0 (n.peerEpoch) LOOKING (my state)
2020-02-11 21:25:24,358 [myid:2] - INFO  [WorkerReceiver[myid=2]:FastLeaderElection@595] - Notification: 1 (message format version), 1 (n.leader), 0x0 (n.zxid), 0x1 (n.round), LOOKING (n.state), 1 (n.sid), 0x0 (n.peerEpoch) LOOKING (my state)
2020-02-11 21:25:24,358 [myid:2] - INFO  [WorkerReceiver[myid=2]:FastLeaderElection@595] - Notification: 1 (message format version), 2 (n.leader), 0x0 (n.zxid), 0x1 (n.round), LOOKING (n.state), 1 (n.sid), 0x0 (n.peerEpoch) LOOKING (my state)

### ANNOTATION We have a winner! zookeeper-1 is the leader .. he won the election and zookeeper-0 is the follower.  
2020-02-11 21:25:24,560 [myid:2] - INFO  [QuorumPeer[myid=2]/] - LEADING          
### ANNOTATION The leadership eleciton took 230 milliseconds!
2020-02-11 21:25:24,578 [myid:2] - INFO  [QuorumPeer[myid=2]/] - LEADING - LEADER ELECTION TOOK - 230   
### ANNOTATION Later zookeeper-2, aka node 3 comes up, and the leader let's it know who is the boss
2020-02-11 21:25:45,403 [myid:2] - INFO  [LearnerHandler-/] - Received NEWLEADER-ACK message from 3

### ANNOTATION You see a lot of runok commands, which are used by
2020-02-11 21:25:57,112 [myid:2] - INFO  [NIOServerCxn.Factory:] - Processing ruok command from /     

Go through the annotated output and compare that to what the ZooKeeper Basics section said. Also notice that there are a lot of Processing ruok command in the log. This is because it has INFO level logging, and the ZooKeeper command for health check is ruok which should return imok.

The ruok shows up a lot in the logs beause it is used for liveness and readiness probes

% kubectl logs zookeeper-1 | grep ruok | wc -l
% kubectl logs zookeeper-0 | grep ruok | wc -l
% kubectl logs zookeeper-2 | grep ruok | wc -l

The ready_live.sh script uses ruok from the liveness and readiness probes.


    - sh
    - -c
    - "ready_live.sh 2181"
  initialDelaySeconds: 10
  timeoutSeconds: 5
    - sh
    - -c
    - "ready_live.sh 2181"
  initialDelaySeconds: 10
  timeoutSeconds: 5

This means that ready_live.sh gets called for the readinessProbe and the livenessProbe.

ready_live.sh using ruok and checking for imok

#!/usr/bin/env bash
OK=$(echo ruok | nc $1)
if [ "$OK" == "imok" ]; then
	exit 0
	exit 1

The results of echo ruok | nc 2181 is stored into OK and if it is “imok” then the ready_live.sh scripts return normally (0) or it signals that there was an error (1).

Recap 1

Let’s recap what you did so far. You modified the YAML manifest for our ZooKeeper statefulset to use requiredDuringSchedulingIgnoredDuringExecution versus preferredDuringSchedulingIgnoredDuringExecution. You then noticed that you did not have enough memory for Minikube so you increased. Along the way you did some debugging with kubectl describe, kubectl get, and kubectl exec. Then you walked through the logs can be compared what you know about statefulsets and ZooKeeper with the output of the logs.

Facilitating Leader Election

This section is based on Facilitating Leader Election.

Each ZooKeeper server node in the ZooKeeper ensemble has to have a unique identifier associated with a network address. These identifiers are known to every node.

To get a list of all hostnames in our ZooKeeper ensemble use kubectl exec.

Use kubectl exec to get the hostnames of the Pods in the Zookeeper StatefulSet.

for i in 0 1 2; do kubectl exec zookeeper-$i -- hostname; done


The above runs the command hostname on all three ZooKeeper pods.

The Kubernetes StatefulSet controller gives each Pod a unique hostname based on its index. The hostnames are “${statefulset_name}-${index}“”. In the YAML manifest file the replicas was set to 3. Therefore the StatefulSet controller creates three Pods with their hostnames set to zookeeper-0, zookeeper-1, and zookeeper-3.

zookeeper.yaml StatefulSet replicas is set to 3

apiVersion: apps/v1
kind: StatefulSet
  name: zookeeper
      app: zookeeper
  serviceName: zookeeper-headless
  replicas: 3

The ZooKeeper nodes store their serverโ€™s id in a file called myid in the zookeeper data directory (see name: datadir \ mountPath: /var/lib/zookeeper in the zookeeper.yaml file).

Let’s look at the contents of those files with kubectl exec and cat.

Examining each ZooKeeper node’s id file

for i in 0 1 2; do echo "myid zookeeper-$i"; kubectl exec zookeeper-$i -- cat /var/lib/zookeeper/data/myid; done

myid zookeeper-0
myid zookeeper-1
myid zookeeper-2

Yes that is right. Kubernetes uses 0 based indexing but ZooKeeper uses start at 1 based indexing. You are welcome.

Let’s get the fully qualified domain name (FQDN) of each pod.

Get fully qualified domain name with kubectl exec hostname -f

for i in 0 1 2; do kubectl exec zookeeper-$i -- hostname -f; done


The zookeeper-headless service creates a domain for each pod in the statefulset.

The DNS A records in Kubernetes DNS resolve the FQDNs to the Podsโ€™ IP addresses. If the Pods gets reschedule or upgrading, the A records will put to new IP addresses, but the name will stay the same.

The ZooKeeper was configured to use a config file called zoo.cfg (/opt/zookeeper/conf/zoo.cfg which is specified in the start.sh file which we will cover later). You can use kubectl exec to cat the contents of the zoo.cfg.

/opt/zookeeper/conf/zoo.cfg Contents of zookeeper config file

kubectl exec zookeeper-0 -- cat /opt/zookeeper/conf/zoo.cfg

#This file was autogenerated DO NOT EDIT

This file gets generated by start.sh’s create_config() function which gets included by the Dockerfile which we will cover later. Notice that server.1, server.2, and server.3 properties are set to the fully qualified URL:port (the FDQNs) of the zookeeper-headless service. This is also done by a for loop in the start.sh’s create_config() function. The start.sh is specified in the zookeeper.yaml file.

zookeeper.yaml - specifying StatefulSet.spec.template.containers[0].command

apiVersion: apps/v1
kind: StatefulSet
  name: zookeeper
      app: zookeeper
        app: zookeeper
      - name: kubernetes-zookeeper
        imagePullPolicy: Always
        image: "cloudurable/kube-zookeeper:0.0.1"
        - sh
        - -c
        - "start.sh \  
          --servers=3 \
          --data_dir=/var/lib/zookeeper/data \
          --data_log_dir=/var/lib/zookeeper/data/log \
          --conf_dir=/opt/zookeeper/conf \
          --client_port=2181 \
          --election_port=3888 \
          --server_port=2888 \
          --tick_time=2000 \
          --init_limit=10 \
          --sync_limit=5 \
          --heap=512M \
          --max_client_cnxns=60 \
          --snap_retain_count=3 \
          --purge_interval=12 \
          --max_session_timeout=40000 \
          --min_session_timeout=4000 \

The start.sh command gets passed those arguments on startup by the Kubernetes node that starts up the ZooKeeper pod.

Using Kubernetes config maps would be a good example instead of passing all of this as hardcoded values.

Achieving Consensus

See Achieving Consensus.

Sanity Testing the Ensemble

This section is based on Sanity Testing the Ensemble.

Let’s test to see if our ZooKeeper ensemble actually works. You will use the zkCli.sh which is the ZooKeeper command-line interface.

With the ZooKeeper CLI operations you can: * Create znodes * Get data * Watch znode for changes * Set data into a znode * Create children of a znode * List children of a znode * Check Status * Delete a znode

A znode in ZooKeeper is like a file in that it has contents and like a folder in that, it can have children who are other znode.

Let’s write the value world into our ZooKeeper ensemble called /hello into zookeeper-0.

Use kubectl exec and zkCli.sh to write ‘world’ to znode /hello on zookeeper-0

kubectl exec zookeeper-0 zkCli.sh create /hello world

2020-02-12 01:34:07,938 [myid:] - INFO  [main:ZooKeeper@442] - Initiating client connection, connectString=localhost:2181 sessionTimeout=30000 watcher=org.apache.zookeeper.ZooKeeperMain$MyWatcher@1d251891
2020-02-12 01:34:07,967 [myid:] - INFO  [main-SendThread(localhost:2181):ClientCnxn$SendThread@1025] - Opening socket connection to server localhost/ Will not attempt to authenticate using SASL (unknown error)
2020-02-12 01:34:07,985 [myid:] - INFO  [main-SendThread(localhost:2181):ClientCnxn$SendThread@879] - Socket connection established to localhost/, initiating session
2020-02-12 01:34:08,012 [myid:] - INFO  [main-SendThread(localhost:2181):ClientCnxn$SendThread@1299] - Session establishment complete on server localhost/, sessionid = 0x100005d64170000, negotiated timeout = 30000


WatchedEvent state:SyncConnected type:None path:null
Created /hello

You just wrote “world” to znode “/hello”.

Now, let’s read it back but from a different zookeeper node.

Use kubectl exec and zkCli.sh to read from znode /hello on zookeeper-1

kubectl exec zookeeper-1 zkCli.sh get /hello


WatchedEvent state:SyncConnected type:None path:null
cZxid = 0x200000002

The value “world” that you put into znode “/hello” is available on every server in the ZooKeeper ensemble.

Use kubectl exec zookeeper-$i zkCli.sh to check every node has world

for i in 0 1 2; do kubectl exec zookeeper-$i  zkCli.sh get /hello | grep world; done

Tolerating Node Failure

Let’s show how the consensus algorithm works. You will delete one server. Then you will try to write the ZooKeeper ensemble. Since two ZooKeeper servers still exist the write to the znode will work.

Delete server, set value, read it back, — should work.

kubectl delete --force=true --grace-period=0 pod zookeeper-2  &
sleep 1; kubectl delete --force=true --grace-period=0 pod zookeeper-2  &
sleep 1
kubectl exec zookeeper-0 zkCli.sh set /hello world_should_work
sleep 1
kubectl exec zookeeper-1 zkCli.sh get /hello

The write works because the ZooKeeper ensemble has a quorum. Now if you delete two servers, you won’t have a quorum. Note that you delete the servers twice and you force their deletion. Run the following commands to get a feel for how ZooKeeper works.

Delete two server, set value, read it back, — should not work.

kubectl delete --force=true --grace-period=0 pod zookeeper-2  &
kubectl delete --force=true --grace-period=0 pod zookeeper-1  &
sleep 1; kubectl delete --force=true --grace-period=0 pod zookeeper-2  &
sleep 1; kubectl delete --force=true --grace-period=0 pod zookeeper-1  &
sleep 1
kubectl exec zookeeper-0 zkCli.sh set /hello world_should_not_work
sleep 1
kubectl exec zookeeper-0 zkCli.sh get /hello
sleep 20 # If you are running manually use kubectl get pods to see status of pods restarting
kubectl exec zookeeper-0 zkCli.sh get /hello

The value will be the same value you wrote the last time. The ZooKeeper ensemble needs a quorum before it can write to a znode.

For more background information on this see Tolerating Node Failure. The two tutorials cover this concept in a completely different but complementary way.

Providing Durable Storage

This section is very loosely derived from Providing Durable Storage tutorial. ZooKeeper stores its data in the Kubernetes volumes using the generated persistent volume claims that you specified in the YAML manifest.

zookeeper.yaml volume template in StatefulSet..volumeClaimTemplates

apiVersion: apps/v1
kind: StatefulSet
  name: zookeeper
      app: zookeeper
  serviceName: zookeeper-headless
  replicas: 3
    type: RollingUpdate
  podManagementPolicy: OrderedReady
        app: zookeeper
      - name: datadir
        mountPath: /var/lib/zookeeper
  - metadata:
      name: datadir
      accessModes: [ "ReadWriteOnce" ]
          storage: 10Gi

Notice that the volumeClaimTemplates will create persistent volume claims for the pods. If you shut down the whole ZooKeeper statefulset, the volumes will not get deleted. And if you recreate the ZooKeeper statefuleset, the same value will be present. Let’s do it.

Delete the statefulset

kubectl delete statefulset zookeeper

statefulset.apps "zookeeper" delete

Use kubectl get pods to ensure that all of the pods terminate. Then recreate the Zookeeper statefulset.

Recreate the the ZooKeeper statefulset using zookeeper.yaml

kubectl apply -f zookeeper.yaml

Run kubectl get pods -w -l app=zookeeper and hit ctrl-c once all of the pods are back online.

Now let’s see if our data is still there.

Read data from new ZooKeeper ensemble using old volumes

kubectl exec zookeeper-0 zkCli.sh get /hello


cZxid = 0x200000002
ctime = Wed Feb 12 01:34:08 GMT 2020

It works. Even though you deleted the statefulset and all of its pods, the ensemble still has the last value you set because the volumes are still there.

The volumeClaimTemplates of the ZooKeeper StatefulSetโ€™s spec specified a PersistentVolume for each pod.

When a pod in the ZooKeeper’s StatefulSet is rescheduled or upgraded, it will have the PersistentVolume mounted to the ZooKeeper server’s data directory. The persistent data will still be there. This same concept would work with Cassandra or Consul or etcd or any database.

Configuring a Non-Privileged User

See Configuring a Non-Privileged User from the original tutorial.

Managing the ZooKeeper Process

See Managing the ZooKeeper Process from the original tutorial.

Using MiniKube Dashboard

You can see the pods and the statefuleset with minikube dashboard.

minikube dashboard

Kubernetes Dashboard

Notice the pods are healthy.

Navigate down to Workloads->Stateful Sets then click on zookeeper in the list to see the ZooKeeper Stateful Set.

Kubernetes Dashboard showing ZooKeeper Stateful Set

We did it

We did it. The skills we used to analyze ZooKeeper will be available for other clustered software. The biggest part to me is learning how to debug with something that goes wrong. But our example still does not run in OpenShift. In the next tutorial, we will get it running in OpenShift.

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